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Selectmen's Minutes May 29, 2001

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                                             May 29, 2001

Present:   Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones.  Also present, Executive Secretary E. Winn Davis and Management Assistant, Meredith Scozzari.

7:37 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order and read the announcements - Hanson Family Safety Day, June 16th 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Shaw’s Parking Lot.

Carol McCormack, Treasurer/Collector was present with Town Clerk Sandra Harris for signing of BANS and SANS.  She explained that one SAN was in the amount of $162,024.74, the second SAN was a renewal in the amount of $428,699 and the BAN was in the amount of $400,000.  All have an interest rate of 4.5%.  Mrs. McCormack informed the Board that 120 employees would be covered by the OBRA plan.  The majority of the employees are employed through recreation and paid in the third quarter.

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by McSweeney to authorize the Treasurer/Collector to utilize the OBRA plan through Aetna effective July 1, 2001
Executive Session – Chairman Webster indicated that the Board would be entering Executive Session to under Item #3 to discuss contract negotiations with non-union personnel - the new fire chief and clerical union negotiations.  Roll Call – Kuchinski aye; Murdoch aye; Webster aye; McSweeney aye, Jones aye.  Voted 5 – 0.

8:40 p.m. – Returned to open session.

Capt. Hoyt – New Fire Chief – Capt. Hoyt was present to discuss his contract.  The Board discussed the overall items of the contract.  Three-year term with a one-year probationary period and evaluation after six months.  After lengthy discussion regarding the probationary period, the Board agreed to have Town Counsel draft language, which would respect both the Town’s and Mr. Hoyt’s rights.  Mr. Hoyt must apply to National Fire Academy before expiration of contract.  He will receive a standard benefits package, reasonable use of sick time with no buy back.  Vacation time will be 2 weeks in first year, 3 weeks in second year and 4 weeks in third year.  Proposed base salary is  $70,000.00.   Salary increases to be negotiated after yearly evaluations.   Holiday pay of approximately $3,300.00 will be paid through other wages.  Tuition and dues will be paid through Fire Expense line.  Town Counsel to draft the contract and forward to Mr. Hoyt’s attorney.  Mr. Hoyt indicated that the residency requirement would not be a problem after three years.  He requests a uniform and helmet.  Currently the starting date of June 11th.  Mr. Hoyt requested permission to work with Plymouth one day a week until they get someone trained.  He will be coming to Hanson on Friday to work with Chief Bergeron.

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by McSweeney to adjourn.  Voted 5 – 0.

        9:55 p.m. meeting adjourned